What Is A Career Break?

If you are considering taking a career break, you are not alone. Millions of people in the U.S. are leaving the workforce temporarily for all types of reasons. Whether it is because of mental health issues, caregiving responsibilities or pursuing professional development, taking a career break has grown into a trend.
A large majority of people taking career breaks are currently in parenting roles particularly women. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more women than men are currently out of the labor force. In fact, women's jobs on payroll are still 1M+ below pre-pandemic levels, while men are around 500,000 below. One of the main reasons behind this is that typically the burden of family care falls disproportionately on women who then face the challenge of balancing work and family obligations.
Gen Z and millennials are also taking career breaks in record numbers. These generations struggle with financial anxiety, a lack of healthy work-life balance and high-stress levels. Instead of making quick transitions into better-paying or more suitable jobs, they are taking time to learn new skills, network, reassess their priorities and strive for change.
While taking a break from work can be a long term investment in your professional and personal well-being, planning carefully for your future return to the workforce is also essential. If you are wondering if you should quit your job and take a break, you will need to evaluate if and when a career hiatus might be right for you.
What is a Career Break?
A career break is an unpaid time out of the workforce. Sometimes it is referred to as the 'adult gap year.’ These career breaks have become more and more popular as people attempt to establish a healthier work-life balance. They can last anywhere from two months onwards but typically span six months to a year.
The length of the break will vary depending on your situation and how long you can afford to be unemployed. Career breaks can allow you to expand your horizons, learn new skills, pursue a passion or even travel the world.
A sabbatical is a paid or unpaid extended break from work granted to an employee who agrees to return on a specific date. People commonly take sabbaticals to focus on their personal life or professional and academic growth.
Why Take a Career Break?
Before you decide to take an extended amount of time off of work, it is important to determine why you are making this potentially life-changing decision. Let's look a little bit closer at some of the reasons why people take career breaks and why time away from work could benefit you:
1. Learn a New Skill Set
Gaining new qualifications and improving your skill set is a great opportunity to advance in your career. With free time on your hands and no work distractions, you could enroll in a curricular program, take an online course or sign up for volunteer work. These acquired skills could help you transition to a new industry altogether or open doors to better job prospects in your field.
2. Spend Quality Time with Family
A healthy work-life balance is crucial to leading a happy and fulfilling life. Maybe you would like to spend more time with your children, enhance your family relationships, or you need to care for an elderly or sick parent. Taking a break from work could be a much-needed opportunity to support and tend to those you love.
3. Reduce Stress and Rejuvenate
Are you working overtime, burnt out or trying to escape a toxic work environment? This is one of the most common reasons people decide to take a break from work. If your mental health is compromised, it may be time for you to consider leaving your job. Your time off will allow you to replenish your energy and motivation before returning to a more positive and healthier workplace environment.
4. Gain A New Perspective
Whether you are considering taking a career break to reevaluate your life goals or looking to change your profession later in life, a work break could be just what you need. Many people find themselves stagnant at work, lacking motivation and enthusiasm. Time away can benefit anyone who has spent a long time in the same company and can be the perfect catalyst for attaining a new outlook on life. After a few months of contemplation and exploration, you will be clearer about your options and what you genuinely want to do with your life.
5. Travel or Work Abroad
Wondering how to take a year off work and travel the world? While this decision requires careful and serious planning, it could be the best move you ever make. Maybe you have always wanted to travel to Europe. Whatever the case, traveling can help you build a global network of influential people and present opportunities you have not considered before. Taking a break from work to travel can boost your confidence, widen your horizons and bring new experiences to your life.
How Long Should Your Break Last?
The length of your break depends entirely on your circumstances and goals. What do you aim to get out of it? If you are planning to gain a qualification or study abroad to help advance your career, one or two years may be completely acceptable. Or maybe you are just taking time away to reflect, refresh and reset. In this case, two to six months may be enough time to figure out your next move.
Remember, the longer your break from work, the more challenging it may be to get back into the workplace. Also, take into consideration how long you can afford to be unemployed. The more you have saved up, the more time you can devote to your break without worrying about expenses or financial emergencies.
The Pros and Cons of Taking a Career Break
While there are obvious benefits of a career break, you must also consider the challenges it could bring. Ensure it is the right decision before diving in. Here are some pros and cons that can help you determine if this is the right move for you.
Pros of Taking a Break from Work;
Opportunity for growth,
Rejuvenation and reflection,
Expand your network,
Path to personal fulfillment,
Space to determine your future direction,
Learn new skills,
Master a passion.
Cons of Taking a Break from Work:
Halt your career progress for longer than expected,
Lose touch with your colleagues and industry,
Harder to re-enter the workplace,
Lack of steady flow of income,
You will need to explain your break to a future employer.
How To Explain A Break In Employment
First and foremost, it is important to know that taking a career break is nothing to be ashamed of and could actually work to your advantage. Employers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of a career hiatus, so it is crucial to present your employment gap in a positive and confident way.
On your resume, showcase any new skills and qualifications that you have obtained during your career break. You can also briefly cover the life experiences and soft skills that you have acquired during your time away. Use these to highlight the benefits this will bring to a potential employer. Also, remember to include your career gap in your cover letter and be prepared to answer questions about it in your interview.