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Ten Tips To Improve Your Overall Interview Performance

Ten Tips To Improve Your Overall Interview Performance

Do you know how to effectively make your case to an interviewer? Continue reading below so you can follow these ten interview tips in order to boost your chances of landing your best job yet.

The day has finally arrived! You found an amazing job online, began the application process and shortly after, you received a call from the recruiter assigned to filling this particular role and guess what….they want to meet with you! Hold it...there are a few things to think about before you’ve even stepped foot in the conference room.

Even the smartest and most qualified applicants out there need to prepare for their job interview. Why do they need to do this? Interview skills are learned over a period of time and there are no second chances when it comes to making a great first impression. These interview tips will instruct you on how to answer interview questions appropriately and convince the hiring manager or recruiter that you are the best choice for the job. 

Reinforcing Positive Nonverbal Communication

It's about demonstrating your inner confidence. For example, standing straight, making eye contact and connecting with a firm handshake. Those first impressions can be a fantastic new beginning or the ultimate quick end to your interview.

Dressing For the Company

Today's casual office dress codes do not give you permission to dress down when you interview. It is important to know what to wear to an interview while looking and acting the part professionally. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are seeking. If possible, find out beforehand about the company dress code.

The Artful Practice of Active Listening

At the beginning of the interview, your interviewer will more than likely provide you with essential information, either directly or indirectly. If you are not paying attention, you are not going to get hired. Excellent communication skills include active listening and letting the person know that you heard what was said. Observe the interviewer in order to successfully match the given style and pace to secure your chances of continuing the hiring process.

Don't Overstep & Talk Too Much

Providing the interviewer with more detail than they need to know could set you up for potential failure in terms of making a connection. When you obviously have not prepared ahead of time, you may ramble on and on when answering imperative questions, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare as much as possible for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position's requirements and relating only that information. You might even want to ask your roommate or friend to run through a mock interview. Hiring a career coach is also a great way to prepare!

Don’t Be Too Friendly

The physical interview itself is a previously arranged professional meeting in order to talk about a potential business opportunity. Your level of expertise should mirror the interviewer's body language. It is important to be energetic and enthusiastic while asking thought provoking questions. On the flip side, make sure to not overstep your place as a worthy candidate looking for a career change.

Use Appropriate Language

It's a major given that you should stick with the use of professional language during the interview itself. Be aware of any inappropriate slang or references to the following: age, race, religion, politics, or sexual orientation. These particular topics could send you out the door very quickly.

Don't Be Full Of Yourself

Your attitude plays an important role in your interview success. There is a difference between being confident and going overboard. Even if you're putting on a temporary performance in order to demonstrate your unique abilities, overconfidence is a bad sign right off the bat.

Take Care To Answer The Necessary Questions

When interviewers ask for an example of a time when you took the initiative in a precarious work situation, they are asking behavioral interview questions that are designed to elicit a sample of your past behavior. If you fail to discuss a relatable example, you could potentially miss out on an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your transferable skills.

Ask Pertinent Questions

Surprisingly when candidates are asked if they have any questions at the end of the interview, most of them answer, "No." This is the incorrect course of action to take. Demonstrating that you are showing a unique interest in what goes on with their specific company. Asking these questions also gives you as a candidate the opportunity to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from active listening practices and are derived from what you've already been asked during the interview.

Don't Come Off As Desperate

When you interview coming across as the best candidate to ever walk into the company’s office type of approach, you appear desperate and less confident overall. Reflect on these three things during the interview process: adaptability, your unique background of qualifications and also hands on knowledge.