Seven Ways To Quit A Job You Absolutely Hate
If you are wondering how to quit a job properly, you can think of it like dating. Quitting your job is like breaking up with someone. Sometimes you feel terrible about it and other times you might feel pretty darn elated because you will be moving on.
Do you find yourself contemplating jumping ship? Keep on reading to discover seven ways you can quit your current role successfully.
- By-The-Book Quit
When you meet with your manager in order to explain why you are leaving and you give them a standard two weeks notice. Consider this your default approach. It ticks all the boxes because it's respectful, professional and gives your employer time to prepare for your exit. Choose this particular route when your workplace relationships are generally positive and you have respect for your job. You should not use it if your time at the company was filled with negative experiences or if you fear retribution from your supervisors.
- The Grateful Quit
This is similar to a by-the-book quit and by giving notice, this method focuses more on how grateful you are for the opportunity to have worked at the company and sometimes includes an offer to train a new person. You can use this approach when you want to end your job on a positive note and acknowledge that your supervisor or co-workers have gone above and beyond to make your time at your job more or less pleasant. Offering to train your successor lessens the disruption and makes your manager's life easier. You can skip this option if there are any negative vibes between you and your boss.
- The In-the-Loop Quit
You told your manager that you were looking for a new job or thinking about leaving and eliminating most of the surprise from your final announcement. This approach hinges on transparency and helps your manager plan for the immediate future. You can avoid this approach if you are leaving for a direct competitor or you are concerned about an early dismissal from your current job.
- The Perfunctory Quit
This is the same as the by-the-book job-quit option but minus the explanation. You can utilize this approach when your employer is not automatically entitled to an explanation about why you are quitting or where you are going next. If you feel like your employer would cause problems for you or attempt to interfere at your next job, this is a recommended approach. You can avoid this method if you have got a good relationship with your employer and want to maintain that. If you do not give an explanation for why you are leaving your job, your boss may invent one that has nothing to do with the truth. If you're comfortable with them, just be honest.
- The Avoidant Quit
You leave your manager a note, send them an email, tell HR, your colleagues and then you let the message filter back to your manager. You can give this type of notice if your manager is unavailable or unresponsive, whether they are on sick leave, traveling or simply never responding to your calls. Do not use this method just to avoid an awkward conversation. If you are worried your supervisor will behave inappropriately, you can always tell HR first and ask for someone from that department to be present when you inform your manager.
- The Impulsive Quit
You haven’t thought about how to quit your current job. There was no planning involved, you did not give notice and instead you quit in a hurry and left your company to worry about filling your spot. If your employer has a history of unethical behavior or has created a toxic or unsafe work environment this would be the appropriate action. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you do not want to leave on a whim so be prepared so that you have enough money to live on while you are searching for your next job.
- The Bridge-Burning Quit
You attempt to sabotage the company or your co-workers with verbal threats. Cursing is bad etiquette regardless of your situation. The single reason you may want to burn bridges is if maintaining a relationship with the people in your company would somehow have an adverse effect on your long-term career goals. If your company is undergoing a public investigation or is known to be abusive it's understandable for you to sever those ties. Knowing how to quit a job requires skill.
Getting A Head Start On Your New Job
Knowing how to quit a job will be a lot easier if you have a new one set in place after you cut ties with your current company. It is common knowledge that this route is better than looking for a job while being unemployed. You should always be looking for new opportunities because you never know when you will suddenly need to jump ship and having a few prospects to fall back on will help you feel more secure in quitting.